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Known as the Literary Diva, Author Kaye is no stranger to the pen. This southern belle straight out of Dallas, Texas is the renaissance girl in the literary world. Simply put, she does it all; author, ghostwriter, publisher, social commentary queen, and so much more.


She began her literary career in 2014 with her debut series, It Ain't Trickin’ if You Got It, and the rest as they say, is history! Releasing titles under various publishers, Kaye gives the readers something unique each and every time, connecting personal experiences and situations in each and every story that the reader can relate to.


In her literary career, Kaye has released over 50 titles and through Kitty Kisses Inc., has provided ghostwriting services that surpass 100 titles. It goes without saying that she doesn’t plan on stopping anytime soon.


Currently, Kaye resides in Georgia with her four sons, her fiancé and fellow author D. Jay and is a PhD student at the illustrious North Carolina A&T State University.

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